Savills office – Chelmsford

Exciting project undertaken for one of Savills’ newly refurbished offices in Chelmsford. The client had large multiple wall mural requirements, corridor spaces and several meeting rooms to work with. As a commuting town close to London we balanced an urban theme with a rural feel, allowing us to use both cityscapes and beautiful bluebell scenes in conjunction. To break up what can sometimes look like a monotonous display of framed pictures, we curated and supplied a number of triptychs, each one bringing individuality and additional aesthetic appeal.

Breaking-up the picture: Triptychs and their triple aspect!

There’s something about a piece of art that changes when presented as a triptych. Not only does it probably become one-of-a-kind, it creates a triple aspect of the image and draws in the beholder adding more interest. Best applied with a piece of art that has an element of symmetry, with the focus and area of interest on the central window.

Varied artwork solutions for Savills refurbishment. Book a call today to discover why ArtVogue is the only choice for your business.
